Thursday, February 28, 2019

Honora 13.0mm Ming Cultured Pearl Pendant w/24" Bronze Chain with Leah W...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since the processing of answers to open questions is a little complicated, makes sense to bring some of the formal techniques of working with them.
1. If the sample is large enough and there are many answers to the open question, it is possible to produce from the array of a sub-sample of approximately 200-300 questionnaires by the method of random repetition-free samples to work with this small array, not all the questionnaires. This number of questionnaires easier to read and write all the answers, and since the sample was random, the distribution of answers of respondents will be representative of the entire population, in this case, all respondents and respondents to an open question. Further, when analyzing the interviewees ' responses to the open question on the whole array all the answers (at least most of them) will fit into the typology prepared on a small sample.
2. For the typology of the answers of respondents to open-ended questions appropriate this procedure:
a) it often happens that the responses contain not one, but two, three sentences. So the question facing the workers "What would You do first to improve performance?" received the answer: "would Improve housing and transport and the canteen". In this case, writes not one, but three offers of the Respondent: to improve housing, improve transport links, improve the work of the canteen;
b) when will written out all the suggestions of respondents, the sheet should be cut up into individual sentences and put them in groups, highlighting common ground for each group. Thus, the analysis of motives of dismissal of the statements of the respondents were grouped on the basis of "lack of housing", the other part - "dissatisfaction with the level of wages and the third is retiring for health reasons and in connection with leaving on pension".
After the layout of such a group remains of the statements which were not included in any of them and which are difficult to typologisierung one base. For example, such motives of dismissal: "a little work", "want to get married, not to whom, so move to another town", "go with your brother on another job" and so forth Can certainly a stretch to attribute them to any already formed group of statements, but it is better not to do so because our interpretation of the answers may be wrong. It is better to include these statements in a separate group - "other answers".
3. The same sentences, the statements of the respondents can be grouped for various reasons, and it's not against the rules of content analysis. So, based on turnover statements and suggestions can be grouped according to this one ground, both objective and subjective reasons for the dismissal, i.e. to two large groups. Analysis of proposals MSU students for improving the educational process and enhance academic performance showed that they can Shine in two large groups: 1) to give students more freedom in choice of subjects, visits to lectures and classes, examinations and tests, and 2) strengthen the monitoring of attendance and progress of students by the management, the Dean's office.
The analysis can be allocated to different groups of statements laid down various grounds for classification, but the sociologist should proceed from the main objectives of the study, not build them arbitrarily. Only in this case one or the other classification makes sense, or that the basis is competent and reasonable. But, as already noted, the definition of a Foundation, the interpretation of respondents ' answers to the open question remains a complex procedure requiring special knowledge of the principles of typology and classification.