Thursday, February 28, 2019

Honora 14K Gold 12.0mm Ming Cultured Pearl Pendant with 18" Chain with A...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course, getting to work on the questionnaire, sociologist are already familiar, albeit in General terms, that he wants to explore. Specifically, on what the particular question which he occupies a place in the General system of logical analysis, an aspiring sociologist most often can't answer.
This situation is due to two main reasons. The first fuzzy view of the sociologist about the research problem. Turning to the sociological questionnaires of the last years, we see that the theme taken is very voluminous and often highly uncertain: stabilization of the workforce, employee turnover, job satisfaction or a movie and the viewer. Rather, it can be called a field of study than a specific topic. The second reason (the first derivative) is a lack of understanding of the importance and necessity of definition of concepts, i.e. the development of the program of sociological research. In 1972 V. A. Yadov wrote: "the First basic requirement is the need of the program. Oddly enough, we have to talk about, because many researchers are trying to work without the program. What replaces it is a few vague ideas about the purposes of research and nature need empirical material".
Oddly enough, but now we have to talk about that any about a sociological study must start with his program, is not only the head researcher, but on paper, it is often not the same.
Elisabeth Noelle speaks in some detail about a software issue and not the program of sociological research. Although this is essentially the same thing, but in her interpretation, a software is considered more than the program.