Thursday, February 28, 2019

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First of all, with a large number of alternatives appears the monotony, the Respondent became interested, by the end of the set of answers he gets tired to answer, especially if such questions in the questionnaire a lot.
Further, sociologists have noticed that the respondents with a large set of alternatives, usually the first record and look through the other alternatives, often pondering their contents. The analysis shows that the sum of answers of respondents on alternatives, if the question is not well formed, is decreasing.
Of course you can try to convince respondents to carefully read all the alternatives to mull over and to choose those that correspond better to their opinion, regardless of where they are located - in the beginning, the middle or at the end of the set, but there will be a little. A few minutes of instruction, explaining how to fill out a form and answer questions the psychology of the Respondent to change will fail and he will act, as usual. You need to neutralize the negative effects and ultimately facilitate the work and to the respondents and myself.
In order to avoid concentration of answers on the first alternatives, you can apply some General rules. First of all it is not necessary to build a "long" questions, i.e. to give a lot of closures. Best to stick to the five or six closings. If there is a need for a large number of alternatives, it is advisable to divide the issue into two or three conditional questions and put them under the letters A, B, C... Can also be alternative in two columns 3-5 of alternatives in each. It will remove the monotony of the question. Alternative, conditional or questions in columns will be perceived by respondents as a new set of alternatives.
This arrangement alternatives provides some confidence that the Respondent will read all alternatives and choose the ones that correspond better to his opinion. In any case, the practice of building matter and a number of methodological experiments speak in favor of this method of location alternatives. As a result of this construction, we obtain in most cases in the aggregate responses in the averaged data a uniform distribution of answers to alternatives, regardless of where they are: on the first, last or in the middle of the set.
However, the total number of closings in the question, not only due to methodological requirements, and the decision of the substantive objectives of the study.
First of all the number of alternatives in question will impact on their occupancy and, accordingly, the percentage distribution of answers among all the proposed alternatives, which in turn affects the significance of each of them. Further, the set and the number of alternatives are dictated by the size of the scale. The longer scale determines the content of the tasks, the more alternatives, and Vice versa. Finally, another important requirement is that any set of alternatives must not be redundant, i.e. should not give more information than necessary for the task. It needs to be optimal. In the end this requirement and economic order, as any redundant information is costly in time, material and labor resources for processing the information received.
Based on above, we can conclude that the number of closures in any matter is of fundamental importance for the successful solution of research tasks.