Thursday, February 28, 2019

Vera Perla 18K Gold Diamond & Pearl Pendant with 10K Gold Earrings & Chain

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This indefinite condition is very unpleasant for a person because it does not allow him to act. The human desire in any case was to conceptually define the object is the reflection of nature and a desire for self-determination and self-preservation itself as an independent system. But the reflection has to be right adequate, for it is only in this case, a person can successfully build its trajectory relative to the object. However, realizing that his concept is always possibly true, conceptual and hypothetical, he always seeks to test his concept of truth, but to check, as I said, only comparing it with the movement of the object.
My concept can only be possibly true, but the movements of the object are always true because they exist and are objective reality.
We came to an understanding of the nature of the question as an expression of the transition from possibly true to true knowledge. Every act of movement of the subject is the question to the object "and whether I understand you?", "and is it true my conceptual view about you (the object) as a whole and about individual acts of your movement?". But a question to the object the concept of the subject becomes only when it takes the form of a specific visible object motion. While the subject did not find his concept, it is a question, so to speak, hidden from sight. Only when the concept takes a specific form of expression, it becomes an open form of question to the object. So the question is a form of expression of the specific condition of the process of cognition, namely, the stage of the conceptual-hypothetical knowledge, manifested in a specific act of the movement of the subject relative to the object.
A sociological question on the principle of education is no different from any other question. He also is the conceptual-hypothetical representation of the object, such as a view, how should behave (answer) Respondent. "Please tell me, can a bad relationship with the head to be the reason for the dismissal?" So formulating a question, tell the Respondent that, in my opinion as a sociologist view, a bad relationship with the supervisor may be cause for dismissal. A sociological question as any other, such as in the natural spoken language, is objectified the form of expression of conceptual knowledge.
In other words, the question can be expressed in the form of some actions, specific human action. If I, for example some kind of official pass a small package with a lot of money, this is the question, whether I understood it that he's willing to take a bribe to do a favor for me, which he's supposed to do. If he graciously accepted the package, so my concept of what he takes bribes, being conceptual and hypothetical to the act, became true after the act, ie, got the confirmation practice. But there is a requirement to prove the truth of the concept to present the question "and you will not take me if I had a certain amount of money to do for me what you supposed to do?" If he answers: "Yes", then my concept that he takes bribes, were confirmed.
Unlike sociological question from any other is that we have a conceptual view about a single official, and their parts. By asking the official in sociological questionnaire "do You take money for services?" and receiving mostly the answers: "Yes", we can say that quite a few, and almost everything except shy are takers. Thus, our notion in the matter was confirmed was true.