Thursday, June 13, 2019

Story image for arabic pearls from CTV News

Pearl divers bring back ancient Qatari tradition

CTV News-May 23, 2015
On board each vessel are a number of gawas, or pearl divers. ... breathless, to the surface, hopefully with a net full of pearls, or lulus as they known in Arabic.
Story image for arabic pearls from

Fabergé to unveil first ornamental egg in a century in Doha 25, 2015
The Pearl Egg was created by Fabergé in collaboration with the Al Fardan family, ... in six sections to reveal a 12.17 carat pearl, sourced from the Arabian Gulf.

Ask Ali: Behind the UAE national anthem and understanding Arabic ...

The National-Dec. 4, 2015
Fabric in Arabic is gmash, but in relation to the female name, its meaning is linked to the traditional Arabic name for pearls. Lulu, which means pearl, wasn't very ...

Story image for arabic pearls from Daily Mail

Qatar's pearl divers seek tradition and riches

Daily Mail-May 21, 2015
On board each vessel are a number of gawas, or pearl divers. ... breathless, to the surface, hopefully with a net full of pearls, or lulus as they known in Arabic.

1 comment:

Pearl Necklace said...

Story image for wedding jewelry from Elle
7 rings inspired by the one worn by Meghan Markle on ...
She - May 24, 2018
You are not unaware that the night of the wedding , to go to the party ... If the beauty of the jewel has earned him a lot of compliments, this is the symbolism of ...
Story image for wedding jewelry from Le Figaro
UNICEF condemns marriage to a minor in Malaysia
The Figaro - Sep. 19, 2018
The 15-year-old girl married a 44-year-old man in July with the permission of an Islamic court. In June, already, a similar case triggered ...
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A monochrome outfit chosen in the same hues as the bride and that Kate Middleton has already brought to not one, but to two public events.
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Victoria and David Beckham sell their royal wedding outfits to ...
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Outfits straight out of a cloakroom star in your closets? This is a chance offered by Victoria and David Beckham. The couple has just put in ...