Saturday, November 30, 2019

Bridal Pearl Necklace : Wedding Pearl Jewelry: Shloka Ambani and Groom Arjun Kothari Share a Swee...

Bridal Pearl Necklace : Wedding Pearl Jewelry: Shloka Ambani and Groom Arjun Kothari Share a Swee...: Shloka Ambani and Groom Arjun Kothari Share a Sweet ... - Nov. 20, 2019 Shloka Ambani was not only an active member durin...


Pearl Necklace said...

People have always divided the world into two equal or unequal parts: the beyond and present, spiritual and material, objective and subjective, ideal and real, absolute and relative, etc. in many variations and forms of expression. He also divided the world into the visible or conscious, and the invisible, or unconscious.

Form expretion of matter is only fixandtion of consciousness qualeabout their governmentaltlandChia.

Pearl Necklace said...

The concept of "unity of place, time and action" necessarily requires that one place one time and, accordingly, one action. The concept of "one" actually is the methodological basis of the unity of place, time and action: "one action, one time, one place".
The concept of "one" we constantly operate in life, in everyday Affairs. It is filled with, well-defined content. When they say that this is the place where there will be a house, or where a young person should meet a girl, for example on the square under the clock, or where the city, state, etc., that is perceived this phenomenon in a strictly defined-
tion parameters and categories. The concept of "one" is always defined and always exists in the mind as a kind of independent phenomenon. In practice, the man always finds one place that makes the need need one action, and necessarily in some one time. Apparently, this is possible because the concept of "one" can only exist if it reflects a certain state of an external object and if allows to solve tasks.
In principle, the place (e.g. building a house) may not be one that can be infinite. But after all, it's the place where you can perform some action required at a certain time. And if for building a house, the place will be a swamp, then we don't need it, because of their some parameters it is impossible to perform strictly certain actions.
In turn itself one can have an infinite number of parameters, characteristics and properties depending on which object interaction system it will be included. But only interested in those settings where the characteristics that