Saturday, November 30, 2019

Bridal Pearl Necklace : Wedding Pearl Jewelry: Sure, Meghan Markle had a lavish wedding, but now ...

Bridal Pearl Necklace : Wedding Pearl Jewelry: Sure, Meghan Markle had a lavish wedding, but now ...: Sure, Meghan Markle had a  lavish wedding , but now there's a ... - May 21, 2018 Billions of people tuned in to watc...


Pearl Necklace said...

Ttext as an object of study frequency distribution sense.

In a relatively short existence, the text did an amazing metamorphosis:
-- from the simple transmission of information;
-- the preservation and reproduction of knowledge;
-- expression through text deep meaning of the higher mind;
-- to manipulation of perception of meaning.

Pearl Necklace said...

To sociologists, even the beginners, there will be the opening assertion that any study should begin with a program, with establishing some conceptual framework, logical-formalized their presentation and identify ways and means of solving a particular problem. Only then begin to develop research methods, in this case the questionnaire. And that is the only way, although the relationship of the program and methodology is not so simple and straightforward. However, in practice, sociological research often do just the opposite: start with the methodology, in particular with the compilation of the questionnaire, and then build some theoretical understanding - what matters and what to do with the received material, i.e. develop a system of analysis of the primary sociological information, answers of the respondents. But it reminds of the person who is buying a suit, tries to adapt itself. So, of course, also possible to do, but it is better to do the opposite.

Should we "invent" a questionnaire?

The program of sociological research