Saturday, November 23, 2019

Story image for royal wedding from Business Insider

Europe's Princes And Princesses Are Jetting To Luxembourg ...

Business Insider-Oct. 18, 2012
His 31-year marriage to Grand Duchess Maria Teresa appears to be very happy. Showcasing the royal family, as the country will do this week, allows ...
Crowned heads attend Luxembourg royal wedding
In-Depth-South China Morning Post-Oct. 20, 2012
Story image for royal wedding from TIME

Royal Wedding Crasher: Queen Elizabeth Drops in on ...

TIME-Mar. 24, 2012
John and Frances Canning were hoping for a low-key wedding at Manchester Town Hall. But all hopes were tossed aside when Queen Elizabeth showed up to ...
The Queen surprises wedding party 25, 2012
Story image for royal wedding from TIME

Elizabeth and Philip: Photos From the Royal Wedding, 1947

TIME-Nov. 19, 2012
Queen Elizabeth II has been on the throne for so long (60 years) and of course has been in the public eye for even longer (she's 86 years old) that it can be a bit ...
Royal Weddings: Queen Elizabeth II (blog)-Nov. 19, 2012

1 comment:

Pearl Necklace said...

Because both
they operate on the same elements (identity,
continuity, elusive distinction, the sequence without
breaks); they both reveal in the continuity of tissue very common
the ability analysis allows you to distribute vicinity
identities and visible differences in the space of the picture, in
an orderly row. However, alone they are not able to achieve
targets, and this forces them to communicate among themselves. In fact,
due to its inherent ability to samodien (in
imagination, memory, diversity comparing attention)
the chain of representations is able to detect under the cover of world
chaos is vast and continuous space of beings; memory,
first, subject to the case and all the quirks involved
views gradually shifted in the overall picture only
things; that's when person can cram the world into a great power
the discourse to be able to imagine view. In the act
speaking, or rather (more precisely, for closer to what it was
significantly for the classical experience of language), - in the act of naming
human nature, closing performance on himself,
converts linear consistently thought to sustainable table
creatures with partial differences, -- in discourse, where there is
comodoties her beliefs and to identify its relationship with nature.
On the contrary, the chain of natural beings associated with human
nature by nature itself: because the real world
appear to our view, is not only employing this
the fundamental chain of beings, but it seems the clutch
the repetitive and discontinuous fragments, so far the number of submissions
the mind is not forced to follow a continuous path elusive
differences. Thus, extremes meet, the same is given
many times, identical signs naprashivaetsa in the memory;
the differences catch the eye. So endless and continuous
space is captured in separate signs, in a more or
less General, exact signs, and hence in words. Chain
creatures becomes discourse, thereby linking with
human nature, with a number of ideas.