Proud Dad Charlie Sheen Walks Daughter Down the Aisle
People Magazine-Sep. 30, 2010
Charlie Sheen has a new role: father of the bride. The Two and a Half Men star beamed and snapped photos as his daughter, Cassandra Estevez, exchanged ...
Mariah Carey's new wedding vow: Really must let the dress ...
Daily Mail-May 1, 2010
Pop star Mariah Carey has famously pledged to renew her wedding vows to husband Nick Cannon every year – but next time she may want to consider wearing ...
Little Bethenny, Positioning Herself to Be Happy at Last
New York Times-Jun. 9, 2010
Who is Bethenny Frankel? Thankfully, this is a question with which future historians will not have to grapple. When “The Real Housewives of New York City” is ...
Dresses that don't break the bridal bank
China Daily-Jan. 6, 2010
It's not in a high-end shopping mall. It's above a camera market in Haidian district. And the price is cheap. Six hundred yuan for a wedding dress? Yes, and there ...
In one of the studies of public awareness in the questionnaire were formulated a series of questions regarding the use of the media: what and how often I read, watch and what TV shows, listen to any radio, do you read the newspaper, etc. Then immediately after this series of questions followed by the question: "Where basically You learn about the latest developments in our country and abroad?" Answer: from official sources - radio, Newspapers, television; from conversations with friends and acquaintances.
As a result of the survey it was found that approximately 70% of respondents learn about the latest developments in our country and abroad from special sources and 30% from conversations with friends and acquaintances. Although the first figure was lower than we expected, however, in principle it does not contradict our logical reasoning and hypothesis of the study, according to which the official channels are the main source of awareness about events in our country and abroad. However, the second study on the same subject and the same object, which was conducted almost immediately after the first, gave a very different result. This question was posed in the questionnaire separately, as not logically related to the previous questions. In the second study, only 42% of respondents said that they receive information mainly from official sources. Without going into the analysis of all the subtleties and complexities of the relationship of formal and informal channels of information and their impact on the level of awareness, we emphasize only the fact that a certain sequence of questions can influence the study.
Second studying a particular problem, we naturally relate to its various aspects. For example, figuring out the causes of divorce, sociologist analyzes various factors that contribute to this process: personal characteristics of spouses and their financial situation, housing conditions, etc. United in one form, they naturally give the impression of a certain randomness. "You ask questions about love, about the salary, try to be a link?" - sometimes ask the sociologist. Indeed, the apparent external relationships between these factors are not present, this connection is embedded in the research program. The sociologist knows, and why he asks this or that question, what place it occupies in the system analysis. For the uninitiated, this relationship seems hard to understand, and it is difficult to grasp on the basis of survey questions.
However, the social behavior of a person depends not only on his psychological characteristics, personality, individual properties, it is determined by some General laws and regularities, rules of functioning of the social group, e.g. family.
So, in the question "do You get angry if her husband wipes his feet when entering the apartment?" the psychologist will remove the information about the level of irritability of the wife, the sociologist - about the nature of her conduct towards her husband. This psychological property, such as irritability, can occur in different situations in different ways. If the wife treats her husband with love, then will not make his remarks, and if they do, then in a mild form, so as not to offend, even if his behavior annoys her. A dislike to her husband is manifested in a strong irritation about it any act, including when it is not wiped his feet when entering the apartment, although as psychological as it does not dominate (unless, of course, not to take extreme cases).
Knowing the General laws of functioning of the group, each of its members determines their behavior, which is called social behavior. If the General law of the operation of the group, in this case family does not allow rudeness to each other, no matter how annoyed each of its members, it will not allow rudeness. There are families in which both adults and children are very ill-treated each other, shouting, allow offensive expressions. But there are families where courteous to each family member, regardless of his marital status and age, are the hard and fast rule.
General laws of social behavior, i.e. behavior in the group, as a rule, are not violated. Can be late for work, absenteeism, if permitted in the organization, but none of the workers will never reach in my pocket to another, so as to fill the gap in salary for truancy. This act is punishable by the group. Violating the laws of the group, people consciously or unconsciously puts himself outside it.
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