Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Story image for lavish wedding from The Inquisitr

See Inside Lea Michele's Lavish Wedding With Husband ...

The Inquisitr-Mar. 13, 2019
Former Glee and Scream Queens star Lea Michele is giving fans an intimate look inside her wedding with new husband Zandy Reich. Via People, the stunning ...
Story image for lavish wedding from Daily Mail

Jennifer Lawrence sports a sensible pair of shoes as she ...

Daily Mail-Nov. 19, 2019
Jennifer and Cooke held a lavish wedding last month in Newport, Rhode Island, ... in expressing her affection to Cooke in the months leading up to the wedding.
Story image for lavish wedding from

The heartwarming speeches Prince Philip and the Queen ... 20, 2019
QUEEN ELIZABETH II married Prince Philip in a lavish ceremony 72 years ago ... heartwarming speeches acknowledging how they felt about their marriage, ...
Story image for lavish wedding from

Bride-to-be's heartless explanation for banning groom's kids ... 21, 2019
But perhaps the worst part of her post comes at the end, when she complains that she couldn't have the lavish wedding she really wanted, because her fiancé ...

1 comment:

Pearl Necklace said...

A few years later,
at the turn of the XVIII and XIX centuries in European culture fully
changed the main method of spatial location of the living:
for the classical perception of the living was only a single cell
or adjacent cells in the universal taxonomy of life; geographical
position played any role (from Buffon, for example) only
to identify obviously its possible variations. Since Cuvier
live closed within itself, breaks up with her
taxonomic neighbourhood, detached from the vast and
the immutable fields of relationships and establishment of new, like a double
space; it is an internal anatomical space
physiological relations and correspondences and outer space
the elements from which it forms its own body. However, both
these spaces are subject to uniform management: it is not
possibilities of being and living conditions. The historical a priori in science
about living organisms is, therefore, reversed and
updated. The works of Cuvier, considered in their archaeological
depth, not on the superficial level of discoveries, discussion, theories
or philosophical opinions, for a long time determine the future of biology.
Often contrasted with anticipation of "transformisme" at
Lamarck (appearing thus in the role of "Baptist"
evolutionism) fixism outdated with its usual burden
prejudices and theological postulates, which are so hard to
defended Cuvier. Through a chaotic mixture of metaphors and bad
reasonable analogies drawn the outlines of the "reactionary"
thoughts, with a stubborn passion for keeping the fragile order
human life for a sustainable order of things, -- such
presented the philosophy of Cuvier, with all the strength of her Creator.
The opposite depicts the difficult fate
progressivist thinking, believed in the power of moving forward in
continuous upgrade speed adaptive changes
- this seemed to be "revolutionary" Lamarck.