Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Story image for vintage jewelry from My Modern Met

Vintage-Inspired Embroidered Jewelry Captures the Lovely ...

My Modern Met-Sep. 21, 2019
Vintage-Inspired Embroidered Jewelry Captures the Lovely Magic of Nature ... Garutt crafts nature-inspired embroidered jewelry that pays homage to vintage ...
Story image for vintage jewelry from Forbes

Rachel Boston: The London Jeweler Making Heirloom ...

Forbes-Mar. 29, 2019
Rachel Boston: The London Jeweler Making Heirloom Jewelry A Luxury .... Perhaps most importantly, she encourages reworking vintage jewelry and re-using ...
Story image for vintage jewelry from Milwaukee Magazine

Fall Chili & Vintage Jewelry Sale Fundraiser

Milwaukee Magazine-Oct. 25, 2019
Check out hundreds of pieces of vintage jewelry, including pierced and clip-on earrings, watches, cuff links and more that's been donated throughout the year for ...
Story image for vintage jewelry from Stuff.co.nz

Op-shop upcycling: Glamorous makeover for kitsch vintage ...

Stuff.co.nz-Oct. 4, 2019
After popping the box back together with the original nails and screws, I added the tassel at the front and the kitsch vintage jewellery box in glamorous green was ...

1 comment:

Pearl Necklace said...

use find in perceptions of similarity: "impression
red (rouge), who is bright, quick,
sharp to the eye, it will be very well transferred sounds R
producing a similar impression on hearing"<$F Abbot
Copineau. Essai synthetique sur l'origine et la formation des
langues, Paris, 1774, p.34-35.>. Forcing vocal organs to
movements similar to those movements that intend
labeling; "so that the sound resulting from the form and
the natural movement of the body, delivered in such
the situation becomes the object name"; throat squeaks when
it is necessary to identify the friction of one body o more, it internally
bend to indicate a concave surface<$F De
Brosses. Traite de la formation mecanique des langues, p.16-
18.>. Finally, to indicate using a on
the sounds that it naturally produces: articulation
ghen gave his name to the throat (gorge), from which it comes, and
dental sound (d and t) used to refer to teeth
(dents). Together with these conditional
expressions of similarity of each sound can get its own set
primary roots. Set limited, because almost all of these
the roots are monosyllabic and exist in very small
the number of the roots-two hundred for Hebrew,
soglasno estimates Bergier<$F Bergier. Les Elements primitifs
des langues, Paris, 1764, p.7-8.>. This set is still
more limited, if you think that the roots are
(because of the relations of resemblance that they establish)
common to most languages: de Brosse believes that if
take all the dialects of Europe and the East, then all the roots will not fill
and "one page paper". However, based on these
roots, each language is in its originality: "they
the development is astounding. So the seed of the elm produces
a big tree, sending new shoots from each root,
generates in the end a real forest"