Saturday, January 11, 2020

Story image for Victorian Fashion, pearl from The Guardian

Land of tassels, swags and sash windows: a swipe at Britain's ...

The Guardian-Sep. 24, 2017
Marvel at a London Waitrose – “the pearl of Holloway Road”, according to Bronstein's caption – with a cupola-crowned tower floating above its entrance.
Story image for Victorian Fashion, pearl from Daily Mail

Leading jockey accused of stabbing a stingray in the head ...

Daily Mail-Jan. 6, 2017
Victorian jockey Michael Walker has caused outrage amongst animal cruelty ... of mourners wear 'colour, pearls and RM Williams boots' to farewell student, 21, ...
Story image for Victorian Fashion, pearl from The National

Paris Fashion Week: final fall/winter show highlights from ...

The National-Mar. 11, 2017
Paris Fashion Week's fall/winter season has drawn to a close in the French fashion ... Pearls trimmed bags and ear cuffs in Saab's interpretation of morning dew ... and conservative with high necklines and low hems of a Victorian aesthetic.

1 comment:

Pearl Necklace said...

In the story, the picture of S. Dali connects the unconnected and has no absolutely no rational description how much would this tried. Nonetheless, his paintings remain brilliant, in any case perceived as such, and in their interpretation have a real and rational description. But it happened only because the genius as a special substance existing by itself, superimposed on the original, to put it mildly, the artist's imagination, and gave his paintings a special reality. Even his book "the Diary of one genius", despite the confusion of the plot and presentation ¡weaving simple stories with fantastic elements, however, and his paintings, ¡ leaves a great impression. Interpretation and his book stories can also be very original.
Almost every person in varying degrees, are losing the sense of time: he could not say how much time at the moment, how many passed and how many are left, can not determine the age of the other person and even your own, etc. These examples may indicate that the property (the program), sequencing events and writing them into the coordinate system of the existence of the objects were underdeveloped or worse, non-existent, like swimming, hearing, speech, etc. If in childhood the child for one reason or another have not learned to speak correctly, they will never learn, etc.
In this connection, see my work "the Threshold of socialization" published in the author's book "In search of ideas" (Wiley,2000), which is described in more detail the process of "awakening" in children of a variety of programs both physical and social.
The simultaneity of historical events in Russia of the XVIII century can last for months and even years due to the very slow speeds of communication: "while ignoring "minor tick marks" , minute, second: most residents were laying down in the dark, rising with the dawn, nor wall, nor the other hours was not in sight. In the same houses that they lived by the clock, knew only his time: indeed, how to reconcile, harmonize arrow, the pendulum in the capital, on the Volga, in Siberia, Kamchatka ¡not on the radio?.. The College was at that time stretched; what was happening on the other side of the planet, is poorly perceived as synchronous, and for example, on the eve of the birth of Pushkin "Moscow news" of may 25, 1799, printed in the capital news from may 19, from Italy in April ¡New York ¡March, on the alleged joint actions of Buonaparte with the Type-Sultan was reported for many weeks after the death of the famous Indian ruler in battle with the British" (Adelman H. the Face of centuries. The political struggle in Russia. ¡The end of XVIII beginning of XIX century. M., 1982. P.8).
Russian humanitarian Internet-University has 30 dictionaries. The search engine found 648 entries that use the word "space". This material served as the basis of classification. Also partially and to a very limited extent used scientific literature in a particular context, the word "space". It is also about the Russian humanitarian Internet-University and its library. (
Encyclopedia of philosophy/ Scientific Council of the publishing house "Soviet encyclopedia". Institute of philosophy Academy of Sciences of the USSR. GL. edited by F. V. Konstantinov In 5 T. M.: Soviet encyclopedia, 1967-70gg.